October 09, 2011 07:09:15 PM



I went through the first 40+ years of my life knowing that time was too short to reread anything. So much good stuff out there, how dare I? Then, by degrees, I realized I had more time than I had bargained on. Now I portion out about 10-20% of my reading to rereads. I love it. I have two sorts. The first is the heavy hitters, usually Pynchon, one of my all time faves. I defy anyone to plumb the depths, or gaze on the sweet reflections of every facet, of Gravity’s Rainbow or Mason & Dixon on the first pass. Try harder. My second category is my library of pure pleasure. The two most likely suspects being Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin saga and T.H. White’s The Once and Future King, a book that moved me so deeply as a teenager that I’ve never lost my dear love of it. The urge comes in waves and most often when I wake at 2:30 A.M. and need to find my happy place.

Thanks for the great show, it never disappoints.




Coupeville, WA

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