October 09, 2011 12:33:26 PM



Favorite? That's limiting it to one, when there is such a long list of books and films I read and reread and reread (or rewatch).
I have read "Mists of Avalon" at least 20 times; the "Lord of the Rings" books 8 or 9 times; "Martian Chronicles" probably 40 times since I was 12; the Jane Austen books - each at least 25 times or more; "More than Human" maybe 15 times; "Anne Karina" 5 or 6 times; CJ Cherryh's "Foreigner" series - probably 5 or 6 times; "Somatics" by Thomas Hanna - around 15 times; Vonnegut books - most at least 10 times;
Philip K Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electic Sheep?" probably 20 times or more, and the rest of his books at least 5 times each for the several I have read; LeGuin's "Earthsea" books - at least 8 times, and her other sci fic books - several times, "Dancing at the Edge of World - probably close to 10 times.
And that's just the "tip of the iceburg" on the great books I reread and reread. So many books are shallow in ideas and delivery, and poorly written - why not reread brilliant books and mine them even further.
And as for films, don't get me started.




Milwaukee, WI

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