October 08, 2011 12:09:03 AM



When I first read a book, I tend to devour it, anxious to find out what the author is trying to say, where the story line is going. Once I know that, I want to go back and reread and savor the story, the words used and the pictures painted. Then, once a book becomes a favorite, rereading is comforting, like putting on soft pajamas in the warm house while a storm rages outside.
I read Pride and Prejudice at least once a year. When I was younger, I read The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley so many times that now I just remember the chapter I want to 'read', I no longer have to pick it up and see it. And I read the bible every day because I always find something new to think about no matter how many times I've read it before.




Albuquerque, NM

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