October 06, 2011 11:56:23 PM



I reread War and Peace. I cried the last time I finished it, because it was over. I haven't read a book in about a year, and I think it's because I'm giving myself a respectable respit from W&P. I love being in that world with those people. I used to reread Brothers Karamozov, but fear the eventual all-nighters, until my kids move out. Maybe when my youngest leaves home, I will pick up Brothers again, and risk trying again, late into the night and all the next day, to influence the lives of the characters by my sheer will and intense well-wishing. The respective authors, both male, make me wonder, "how does he know that about women?" They are brilliant that way, but mostly, I love the characters, most recently, Pierre and Mitya, especially.




Riverside, ct

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