October 03, 2011 11:21:17 AM



I rewatch Taxi Driver every few years. It's such a savage commentary on how we perceive violence and every time I watch it, it seems so prescient.

I re-read Confederacy of Dunces, too, much as an earlier commenter. The characters are all so well constructed and familiar, it's comforting, even though the story is somewhat tragic. I also reread Charles Portis' few novels every few years for a similar reason. Like listening to old records, I remember where I was when I first read each of the novels and they bring back all kinds of memories.
Finally, I reread Living Poor by Moritz Thomsen. Nobody I know has ever heard of this book--or read it--but it's one of the best nonfiction books I've ever read and, having done Peace Corps, it's very poignant. It reminds one of how most of the rest of the world lives and why they live the way they do. It teaches rage and humility. It's frustrating and heartbreaking and beautiful--especially given the author's own story. Really though, this book functions like a primer on how to engage with the rest of the world. It's easy to forget the rest of the world, living in America, so I reread Living Poor.




Oxford, Mississippi

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