October 02, 2011 03:06:17 PM



I can't believe how quickly I ran to my computer to comment when I heard your interview with Anne Fadiman. YES! YES! I re-read often. I was especially thrilled to hear that she had read the Lord of the Rings trilogy to her son. I did too and my son and I often reminisce about it.
I regularly re-read James' Portrait of a Lady and Tolstoy's War and Peace. A favorite scene in Portrait of a Lady: Isabel, caught in a dreadful marriage, meets her old lover who asks if he may at least pity her:
"Should you like that?" Isabel asked, trying to smile again.
"To pity you? Most assuredly! That at least would be doing something. I'd give my life to it."
She raised her fan to her face, which it covered all except her eyes. They rested a moment on his. "Don't give your life to it; but give a thought to it every now and then."
Every word in the novel is part of an exquisite whole!




Watertown, MA

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