October 02, 2011 03:01:15 PM



I've read F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby eight or nine times, and it really does get better each time. I always notice something different or appreciate passages I never lingered over before. It is the most poetic novel I've ever read, and it is infinitely savorable. Fitzgerald scholar Matthew Bruccoli called it "inexhaustible" for its interpretive complexity. When I was younger I most enjoyed the humor and partying and drinking in the book, and had favorite passages that remain in memory to this day, and I can still quote them. I admit that some of those well-worn passages have lost some of their power, but I always find something else to give me goosebumps or some new-found subtlety I never noticed before.

Someone (I can't remember who) once called the film Dazed & Confused "incredibly re-watchable". That's certainly true of that film, and even moreso of The Godfather parts 1 and 2. Partly because it's a confusing and subtle film, and you understand a little bit more each time, but also because it's just so damn GOOD. The acting, the cinematography, the music--everything is so pitch-perfect. It comes on TV all the time, and yet each time you come across it while channel-surfing, it's hard to look away. Infinitely fascinating.




Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY

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