October 02, 2011 01:03:47 PM



When I was in my late twenties, Jane Eyre grabbed me by the throat and has never let go. I can't remember how many times I've read it, but each time I buy a new, cheap copy, which ends up dog- eared, marked-up and over-loved. Somehow every reading is fresh -- there is simply no way I could have understood it on one reading, and now, deep in middle age, I hope it will keep evolving with me through life.

But I have learned the hard way that this book does absolutely nothing for many, many fine readers, as other classics do nothing for me.

Kurt, I think you don't re-read because you have not found your Jane Eyre. One day you'll find it, and then you will need no encouragement to re-read; it will be a blazing necessity.




Providence RI

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