October 02, 2011 12:15:50 PM



I seem to have the same "problem" that Kurt has. I am constantly discovering the old and the new at the same time and find that I am challenged with enjoying them both before revisiting a previously read or viewed great work of art. I find myself almost in a stated of anxiety when seasons come upon me where everywhere I turn there seems to be a movie, show or book that has just come out, or been rereleased and was previously undiscovered by me. I become frantic to read and watch all at the same time.

That being said, I have a list that I am constantly updating of books, movies and shows that I want to read and watch with my kids when I have them (The Chronicles of Narnia, Great Gatsby, the original Willy Wonka, Jaws and Lost to name a few). And I cannot wait for the days when I get to revisit those greats with them.




Nashville, TN

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