October 01, 2011 03:33:28 PM



Since first discovering the incredible Aubrey/Maturin novels of Patrick O'Brian following the release of the movie : "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World" in 2003, I have read the entire twenty-volume canon, in order of publishing, five times. (That is, one original read and four re-reads.) The initial read and the first couple of re-reads took on the order of six months of real time, in addition to the other minutiae of life. The later re-reads have been more leisurely, the most recent taking just over a year. Some of the books are better than others, but I view the entire collection as a single giant novel.

I continue to read lots of other fiction and non-fiction contemporaneously.

I expect that I will continue to re-read the O'Brian canon.

Also on my re-read list:

* I have re-read another canon - the complete and unabridged Sherlock Holmes stories and novels of Arthur Conan-Doyle - more times than I can recall, certainly more than ten.

Some other books with at least 3 reads:

* Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, Robot novels and many short stories.
* Frank Herbert's Dune hexology (Yes, the first is the best, but they are all good).
* many by Robert Heinlein: Have Space Suit - Will Travel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Stranger in a Strange Land


* 2001 - A Space Odyssey, >= 5X
* Bladerunner - >= 5X
* American Beauty, 3X
* The Deer Hunter, 3X


* The Rockford Files
* Hill Street Blues
* Homicide: Life on the Street
* Just Shoot Me




Pittsburgh, PA

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