October 01, 2011 09:36:06 AM



I rewatch movies frequently, but re-read book much less so. With regard to books, I can count on two hands the books that I have reread: The "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, each of Jane Austen's six novels, and "The Great Gatsby." Rereading (1) takes much more time than rewatching a movie and (2) there are always new books I'd like to read. And, like Kurt, I'm a slow reader.

I do rewatch movies very frequently. My record is "Brokeback Mountain" (18 times and counting), followed closely by "The Wizard of Oz," "Cabaret," "The Big Sleep," "Ruthless People," and "The Philadelphia Story." I've rewatched most of the film versions of Jane Austen's novels many times as well.

I agree with Anne Fadiman that I don't get much "new" out of rereading a book; I've reread them mostly just to enjoy them again. I find, however, that I often "get" more on rewatching a movie many times--more nuance, new character insights, and a better appreciation of the director's skills.




Philadelphia, PA

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