October 01, 2011 08:20:08 AM




AS the saying goes..." Once is not enough".

For me musically I have gone back and forth between Abbey Road and Welcome, by Santanna, yet if you had to press me...Welcome, it is. Flowing rhythms, fantastic beats making my heart and body feel alive , and a smaple of vocals
that say...Lets be together.

Bookwise, well it's Micheal Crichtton's "Time line". Adventure, a beautiful babe, science dipping to use for good or bad...greed and being able to do what has to be done withboth personally and with a team. The quote from at the end of book on the head stone... "Companions whom I loved, and still do love...Tell them, my song."

Had trouble with the upload re the pleasure reading of the book or movie. Yet, the movie...Saving Private Ryan. How's that for a trial by fire, and remembering to be thankful for those around you nand for every breathe there is to take/make.




Moorestown NJ 08057

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