October 01, 2011 08:12:07 AM



Go ahead Kurt, I DARE YOU. Just try to reread Barbara Tuchman's "A Distant Mirror." I've tried, lord knows, half a dozen times just to get through it ONCE. I know it is an IMPORTANT book. It is actually quite absorbing, up to a point (about two thirds of the way through). But then, I bog down. Every time. And I feel guilty. Afterr all, how many college texts did I get through that I actually despised? (The secret is, I had to.) I really could do it....but NOOOOOOOOOO. I put it aside, and it may several years before I try again. Now, once, someone told me it is OK not to finish a book. And that assuaged the guilt somewhat - and may be the real answer to your reread dilemma. So pick up a book you read once, reread as much as you like, as Anne Fadiman suggests go ahead and skim, and be certain that you are NOT compelled to read every word or even to finish it. Nor to find anything in it that you didn't see before. There is no test you are preparing for... only you will know!




Philadelphia, PA

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