September 30, 2011 04:24:44 PM



I revisit movies more often than books, if only because that's usually less an investment of time. Although I've also been known to revisit favorite television series, sometimes dipping a toe into a fondly remembered episode (maybe while I do a crossword puzzle or fold laundry) or sometimes even watching the whole series again front to back. And that's easily a bigger investment of time, depending on how deeply I wade back in.

Yet I wouldn't say I do any of these things particularly often, and with books almost never. I think my reasons are largely the same as Kurt's; there's just so much new art to be discovered, especially with books -- which, let's face it, have several centuries of a head start against movies and TV -- that spending my time with something I've already read seems somehow...counter-productive.

But I envy people who do this, who curl up with an old favorite time and again, revisit a favorite novel from their childhood, either to discover new treasures or just splash around in nostalgia for a while. Because I've found there's much to be gained by revisiting a work of art, appreciating it anew with older eyes. On the rare occasion when I have re-read a book, I've always been glad for the experience and found it rewarding in unexpected ways.

Even if, at the same time, I've kept one eye squarely on the piles of other books still waiting to be read.




Westbury, NY

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