September 30, 2011 04:12:19 PM



I'm not sure if I have a favorite work to revisit, but I do have a story about watching "Koyaanisqatsi." Back in the days of VHS tapes, I checked out the movie from my college library, and watched it alone one afternoon. As the movie was ending, one of my roommates came home. "Oooh, Koyaanisqatsi! Oh, but you're at the end," she said. She sat and watched the last few minutes with me, and then we rewound the tape and I watched it all over again with her. To this date, it's the only movie I've ever watched two times on the same day.

I've since seen the movie about six or seven times, twice in a theater, once with live accompaniment by the Philip Glass Ensemble. Each time has been a unique experience. Though I notice new aspects of the film each time I see it, I'm always struck by what a marvelous burst of energy into the system it provides, despite its supposed criticism of modern life. I'm actually just as awed by the cityscapes and swirling traffic during the film's climax as I am by the majestic shots of the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley that open the film.




San Antonio, TX

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