September 30, 2011 01:36:26 PM



I'm a re-reader, but the books that I re-read are limited to a relatively small number of titles. I initially read most of these books at a key moment in my life, and they either inspired or shocked me in some way. Jane Eyre, In Cold Blood, Sons & Lovers, Pride & Prejudice, and The World According to Garp are just a few that immediately come to mind.

For example, Jane Eyre gets re-read almost every year. Amazingly, I often run across something that I missed on an earlier read or that I now see in a different light now that I'm older. Self-sacrifice is a little easier to relate to once you've had children.

That said, I started eliminating titles in my personal library about a decade ago. I'm a librarian and I'm married to a writer who also teaches fiction writing, and I found that we were drowning in books. Pretty good (often great) books for the most part, but many were books bought and read once, placed on the shelf, and never touched again. Some I gave to friends, some I sold, and some were donated. Books are made to be read and enjoyed, unlike the poor little orphans that I was squirreling away. Now before adding any title to my collection, I ask myself "is this something I'll re-read? Do I want it forever?"





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