September 30, 2011 11:54:35 AM



My favorite book to re-read is Tom Robbin's "Still Life With Woodpecker." Because of how much I can relate to the main character, and how many truths Tom Robbins speaks about society; I always get something new out of it. Sometimes it's just comforting. Sometimes a part that really makes me laugh, or that I'm reminded of will pop into my head... so I might go take it off the shelf and just re-read that part, and smile.
The thing about books is... they were written by writers! Duh? Well, yeah. The thing is, when you read a book once you remember the gist of it, only. When you re-read it, you read their syntax, sentence structure, their word choice, descriptions... their choice of punctuation. If you enjoy a book, you must like the story. When you re-read it you really get to hear the author's voice and the flow... it's often really beautiful.




albuquerque, new mexico

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