September 09, 2011 12:29:10 PM

American Tune by Paul Simon


I was in Tower One, in my office on the 73rd floor the morning of 9/11/01. I was fortunate to survive and spend much of my time, thinking of those less fortunate than me, those of us that didn't make it out that day. I clearly remember fire fighters and first responders that entered into the building, passing me in the stairwell as they made their way up into the burning tower. I was pretty paralyzed during the days and weeks that followed. I recall watching Paul Simon in a memorial concert as he perform "Bridge over Troubled Water" and I told my wife Lisa that he should have performed his song "American Tune". The song selection seemed less appropriate and possibly an emotional and popular choice. The more obscure and anthemic "American Tune", in my opinion, would have been fitting providing possibly a certain unconventional perspective to the events. Maybe this is just the opinion of a survivor. My attitude and the attitude of many other survivors appears to be much more subdued than those of the families who lost loved ones (obviously and for good reason). Its also strikingly different than those who were invovled in the months of search, rescue and recovery. As a survivor, and you could argue that everyone in the country is a survivor (all touched by the tragic day), we eventually had to return to our lives. "American Tune" is sad, it seems to describe confusing and depressing images. I also hear in the song some realism and some optimism. It seems to infer that we will get through this. The song seems to reference the course of history, and suggests that still, we go about our daily lives, we go to work, we spend time with our families, we carry on. I can appreciate that.

Dave Matthews covers this song but there is nothing like the original.


Jim Loudon