September 06, 2011 02:56:25 PM

Charles Ives - The Unanswered Question


I thought a lot about this - I have noted several times how thankful I was to the NPR show Hearts Of Space for introducing me to the choral piece "Deep Peace" in their post 9-11 show. So I wanted to dig a little more into the meaning of the whole event and I have one that is in my mind apropos in desolation and futility. Charles Ives' The Unanswered Question can be applied to the thoughts of the pitifully misguided fanatics who attempted to appease some fantasy silent deity, to the loved ones who agonized waiting for meaning in the chaos, and to the rest of us... seeing the structure crumble figuratively and literally, and then, finally, the answer to the question is... nothing. There can be no answer to such a question of meaning.


Ted In Atlanta