July 12, 2011 11:53:34 PM



I am an octogenarian & just recently had my first and second children's books published. I am now working on a very special manuscript & because of my age, am worried that I might not finish it on time. (this is really a 2 fold question)
What can I do to aid my production, my energy and my output so that I CAN not only complete it but see its acceptance and hopefully some financial success. Although my last 2 books, my only books, were Junior Library Guild Selections they were not financially successful. Anyone that read them loved them but you need to do a lot of publicity & I'm ignorant of how to go about it and where to go. the publishers no longer do what they used to do to promote a book. What do you suggest to promote it? And I feel that this one is so unique, so unusual in its approach and format that I'm anticipating good reviews which the others rec'd. How can I help myself?? Multo grazie, mimi

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