July 12, 2011 10:03:04 PM



My birthday is the 16th & the last week, month, year- whatever, has been high stress so I'd be happily amazed if I get my fortune read by the brilliant Ms July..

I see a cycle in my relationships with men- they tend to, seem to- grow to hate me simply because I am incredibly creative, a tall poppy syndrome situation.. Because they definitely start to try to cut me down in bizarre ways..

& when I dumb myself down this is not a problem.. ?!

So, I wonder if someone less intimidated, mutually fascinated & potentially group project minded is in my future...

Also, I keep getting closer & closer 'career' wise & though I have brilliant support from awe inspiring people- & talents, I face similar problems with people purposely taking opportunities away from me for unknown, irrational (competitive where there should be no competitive) & bizarre reasons.. Yes, outright sabotage..

So there is an obvious & somewhat dramatic relationship between love & career here in my inquiry..

As in, will this stop happening? Or are more mack trucks disguised as well intentioned brilliance going to run into my life making truly messy road kill of all the time & energy I invest in others?

Will I finally once & for all get some consistent- respect & support on the relationship front &/or job front(so that I can ultimately create more opportunities for others?)..

I don't know why, but I get the feeling a major shift will happen..

So perhaps it's up to you to solve this mystery or debunk my 'feeling'..

All my thanks- & stay brilliant..


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