July 12, 2011 05:55:39 PM



This economy is killing me!!! My husband and I want to start a family but everything seems to never align just right for us to do so. I am just starting my second tour of duty on unemployment. I'm in a house that my husband and I bought when we were making good money that doesn't exist anymore. My husband only gets paid once a month. He's an independent contractor, so we have to pay estimated quarterly taxes. His company doesn't offer insurance. I'm a laid off teacher in NJ and finding a job is slim to none. How do we start a family, knowing that we could never afford the medical bills accrued to just HAVE the kid. Let's not even start talking about college! Will I ever get a job again? Will we ever be insured again without having to pay $2500 a month for poor coverage? Help!!! Oh yeah, I'm 30 and my husband is 43, so riding this "economy thing" out before starting a family is not a possibility for too much longer! :-)

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