May 20, 2011 04:33:38 PM

Years ago, when I was stuffing boxes full of toxic plastic stuff from a country that uses slave labor, I worked for a Communist. Card carrying he was, and we used to get into conversations about different ideologies and which ones are better. I myself, am a socialist, because, as we know, Capitalism just doesn't work, and it's bad for the planet. So, as our discussion progressed, I came up with a new version of MONOPOLY called SOCIALISTOPOLY.


The goal of SOCIALISTOPOLY is to work together in order to win the game.

The game board would be the worst version of Capitalism (i.e. the American version) and and the goal would be to work to create a Sustainable Socialist Society that helps everyone.

The game pieces would be a Windmill, an Bicylcle, an Electric car, a solar panel, a skateboard and a guy walking.

I haven't quite figured out how it wouuld layout, but I think it would be way more constructive for kids, and way less greedy.



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