May 04, 2011 02:27:10 AM

Change everything!
PLACES: could be cities in the US if you want to keep it local or countries in the world, if you want to make it global.
PIECES: could be various institutions e.g. Fed. Reserve, Banks,(historical,Medici) Insurance Companies, Agribusinesses, Pharmecuetical Companies, Fast Food companies.
Use the The Wall Street Journal's Guide to Understanding Personal Finance.
by Kenneth M. Morris & Alan M. Siegel.
Make the game an educational and learning experience so that kids could understand money and how it works.


Keep the board game as it lends itself to rainy days and uses the sense of touch and feel.
Keep the cards in the center and the dice as well and go around.
Just heard about this at 1:45 am today on 5-4-2011 and hope I am not too late and funny thing is that making a new game based on Monopoly using MONEY; always wanted to do this.



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