May 03, 2011 08:47:55 PM

I love classic Monopoly. But is has nothing to do with the way our current banking/real estate/capital system works. I'm also picking up on suggestions I've heard you promo...

This game needs to be electronic, with a game board modeled on the classic version.

I'd propose a different game where the players are banks, and compete to control loans. When a player lands on a property (which could be a class of properties, like McMansions in SoCal exurbia, or starter homes in Houston, an office park in suburban Minneapolis, mixed use in downtown Indianapolis, a “distressed” neighborhood in Detroit, etc), they draw a buyer card. The player is thus presented with a decision about the property, the market prospects, and the creditworthiness of the buyer(s). “Chance” cards can change the prevailing interest rate (and thus loan value) or other market conditions – like a crash, like credit availability, can give a government bailout. A virtual version (preferred) can include loan calculators, automatic portfolio valuation, can let plays calculate guesses about market direction, etc.

Players can sell properties to one another or to the bank. The game ends at a predetermined point or when everyone goes bankrupt.


The virtual board, and the random influence of moves, Chance cards, etc.



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