May 03, 2011 02:42:27 PM

Here are suggestions from a technology class and the teacher.
Denise Schoch, Teacher: add a "Bill Gates" or "Bell Telephone" trouble card - "The gov't says you have to break up your monopoly."
Ms. Yunos - change the pieces
Alyssa - make polar bears
Mrs. Schoch - yeah, endangered animals
Liam - buy towns
Devan - make more pieces
Liam - yeah, like penguins
Liam - put guards around the jail
All - change the railroads to airlines
Make coins for the money
Devan - add the statue of Liberty and other famous buildings and monuments
Alyssa - add a volcano - and if you fall in you need a new character.
More money than $200


keep the traditional pieces.


Denise the Tech Teacher

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