May 03, 2011 12:23:07 PM

One downfall of the current game is that certain properties are always valuable and those who are lucky to possess them early have a high probability of winning. To make it more interesting and challenging I would build in to the game the chance of incurring real world risks of property ownership. Pennsylvania Ave might not be all that, if in fact it can incur liabilities (via a Chance Card) such as discovery of underground contaminants or asbestos in the walls and plumbing; or be subject to impacts of global climate change or localized flooding due to local area over development. With this in mind it would be good fun if properties could be subject to greater number of turnovers. Let's build into the game sudden mergers and acquisitions, perhaps hostile, in which both the face value assets and accrued assets and liabilities are forced to change hands. To make it juicier, the accrued assets and liabilities would be in the form of face down Chance cards that would remain secret to all but the holder of the property. Buyer Beware!


The playing pieces are iconic. Everyone loves the car, the thimble and so on. Keep them!


Carl Alderson

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