May 02, 2011 11:25:07 PM

My vision of Monopoly would be to change the object of the game, while making it more educational and fun.
The object would be to tweek the rules so that everyone would have to "win" for the game to complete. No one would end up homeless and broke. Everyone would have what they needed. Change the chance cards into real life problems with real consequences that could be solved with assistance from other team mates (everyone would be on the same team) For money for food, rob a convenience store and land in jail or lose job and face foreclosure....Maybe even change the name to Cooperative Monopoly. Really teach the kids something useful!!!


Keep the board, keep the properties, keep the chance deck.



Comments [1]


That really would be something useful! I would love to play a game where instead of viewing the friends and family members gathered around the board as competitors or even enemies, we'd get to work at being the support system that we hope we are in real life. It'd be like a 21st century capitalist Oregon Trail. :)

May. 03 2011 06:46 PM

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