April 30, 2011 03:22:12 PM

I know I am probably not the first modern board game (Eurogame) player you've heard from - since Monopoly is the bete noire of the Eurogame world...too long, too boring, too little interaction among players, too non-strategic - in general, it gives a bad name to playing board games. But let me try to be a bit more constructive.

The first thing Monopoly needs is some type of strategic trade-off. Like money vs. politics. What if you could buy influence as well as real estate? You could purchase influence in one of three markets (local, state and federal). Everytime someone landed on the space formerly known as free parking (now "Make a Law"), the person with the most influence markers in local could affect zoning, the most influence markers in state could affect transportation and the most influence markers in federal, tax law.

Zoning would mean that the value of the colors - dark blue more valuable than orange more valuable than light blue would become a variable system instead. The person ahead in zoning could move the mortgage value of properties up or down.

Transportation would involve revising the four railroads to be replaced by four types of urban transport infrastructure - e.g. subway, highways, etc. Controlling transportation would not only allow you to change the value of these four spaces but also the price of houses and hotels (which themselves might be replaced by single family, mid-density and high-density markers).

Finally, control of tax policy at the federal level might allow the player to reset the rules on the tax space and on tax cards at Chance and Community Chest to favor players who are leading or give breaks to those who are falling behind. Perhaps you could also introduce "bribes" - excuse me, "campaign contributions" to influence the action of the player making the tax rules.

These are just a few thoughts about how to make Monopoly look more like the games that adult board game fans play.


Those shiny little tokens are rather nice. Also the cartoons of Mr. Moneybags on "Chance" and "Community Chest"



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