April 27, 2011 10:56:38 PM

My friends and I once spontaneously reinvented the game, calling it Philadelphiopoly, and giving each player a role to play. We had City Hall, Project Home (a nonprofit serving homeless people), MOVE (a black-liberation movement famously bombed by the City in 1983), the mob, and of course, the bank. It was amazingly fun, as City Hall changed rules and raised taxes, MOVE held protests, Project HOME held charity auctions and begged donations, the mob stole and coerced money and property from everyone else (including the bank), and the bank just tried to keep up with the madness.


I would just keep it the same and encourage players to use their imaginations. We had a great time that night bending the rules...much better than simply obeying a new set of them, I think!



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