April 26, 2011 05:53:30 PM

I love the purple properties. I know they're ugly. I know they're run down. But I have a vision for them. I'm going to raze the whole thing, the whole damn thing. Down to bedrock.

Then I'm going to add some hills, some sand traps. Some nice bluegrass. Beautiful, beautiful lakes, lakes like you see in Switzerland. Eighteen holes in the ground. An opulent clubhouse replete with the finest foods from around the world, lavishly served to you by stunningly beautiful, uh, people.

Mara Purple. It's gonna be HUGE!


This is about the glory days of Atlantic City. The late 1980s, early 90s. So burn down anything that doesn't have my name on it! So leave the Taj, the Marina, the World's Fair...oops. I promise you, this is going to be spectacular! I have some investors from Macao interested in buying the whole city. Ducktown is going to become nothing but residential skyscrapers and Dubai-owned shopping cities!



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