April 24, 2011 04:49:07 PM

Property values are radically effected by government rules on zoning, density, and environmental regulation. The most important and prevalent shift in values come from:
1. upzoning, in which allowable densities are increased or shifted to higher-value uses -- e.g. from single-family to industrial/commercial.
2. Infrastructure investment: an interstate exit, airport installation, or upgrade -- even a prison in an otherwise bleak environment.
3. development subsidy to attract corporations, factories, etc.

In each case, the opposite also happens -- e.g. land is downzoned to allow less lucrative use, etc.

Cards could be drawn that allowed one or another of these advantages (disadvantages) to be used on a chosen property.

go further toward reality?
campaign contributions (real estate interests are typically the largest single local source of campaign money).


I like the other elements, but agree to some of the crits made on the air.



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