April 24, 2011 12:06:45 PM

Monopoly should be re-invented as a progressive, cooperative (commune-like) community. My hope would be to counter the American-Idol-ization of pop culture and to move away from making EVERYTHING we do a competition (art, singing, baking, making clothes). Instead of buying up properties, players have to plant community gardens, grow what they eat, plant trees, switch to a green energy source, recycle something (cars, clothing, electronics, promote positive legislative changes, trade their car in for a bicycle). Money should be eliminated, instead, scrips for time-sharing or bartering or goods are exchanged. Instead of a bank, there should be a credit union as the financial anchor. The "winner" is the player that reduces his/her carbon footprint the most.


The concept of the board, the tokens and some kind of "currency" (see above) should be retained, but should change to reflect the new sensibility. For example, there should be different boards to reflect various communities and the environmental issues they face (rain forest, the midwest where water is becoming an issue, a big city, LA, a third world country, the middle east). Tokens should be made of hemp and be appropriate to the objectives of the game (above) OR people can make and re-use their own tokens.



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