April 23, 2011 03:11:48 PM

1. Make it possible to borrow money, with interest, in order to buy property. Right now, you can buy property only if you have the cash, which happens rarely.
2. Make it possible to borrow money, with interest, using property you own as collateral.

We tried both of these changes many years ago when trying to educate some young people about borrowing, debt, interest, wealth. What we found, in brief, is that all the tendencies in conventional monopoly -- the concentration of wealth and ownership -- were accelerated. The rich got richer faster. The question we were unable to answer was whether we could build in forces that would lead to more equality.

Monpooly only deals with property. It does not consider other important economic factors: providing goods and services, having a job, getting an education, etc. These could be built in also and players would have to consider, for example, whether to stay in school and defer income in order to increase future earnings or to get a job and increasing earnings now.


Keep everything except for the $200 every time you pass Go. At the start of the game, toss dice to determine whether you went to a good school or a bad one and whether you had to work right away in order to support the family. Then, income every time you pass Go would be graduated and timed (after four revolutions you income would go up, for example).



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