April 23, 2011 08:20:56 AM

I would first change the pieces. Of course keep the dog and the shoe. Why? I just like the dog and the shoe. Then add perhaps a space shuttle, a cell phone, a smart car, a skateboard, remote control, and a potted plant. I would then connect all of the railroads with tracks leading to a central roundabout. If you choose to go there you must pay $500 to go to ANY other railroad, of course paying the rent to whomever owns it once you get there. This allows those who can afford it to get back to places in an attempt to either bypass a monopoly with big rent OR to get to a property that they need. And as in life only those that can afford it can use this option. So it will be a calculation as to whether the $500 fee to travel and the possible rent on the RR you go to are worth the expense to avoid or obtain property. Add sets of puzzle pieces to the game that you collect when you land on Free Parking. When you get 6 pieces they will read "trade any one property with any player." NOt always an easy decision. Get rid of the Jail and make it a swap places space where you can swap places with anyone on the board.


Keep metal pieces. Update Community Chest and Chance cards. Keep all the same properties and go back to the wooden houses and hotels



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