April 20, 2011 02:49:52 PM

The format of proceeding around a square board is suggestive of staying in one city, buying up real estate. But business is global now. The board could be replaced by some 3 dimensional device, or could be software to play online. There needs to be some way to create a global network. But that's just the beginning! I would like to see it be more about class struggle, with a way for "small" people to unite, change certain laws (rules) e.g. disallow monopolies above a certain size; maybe have a means for the "big" players to bribe officials. You know, more like the real world. Perhaps there could be some new card options, like: "you;ve just won a lawsuit against the richest player and he/she has been divested of 50% of his/her wealth" or "you've just made a deal with a 3rd world dictator, and the business of your choice just tripled in worth--take that much $ from the bank, etc. Perhaps winning would mean achieving equality of wealth. Who knows!


Throwing dice, proceeding according to the dice throw (but in 3D); piles of cards.



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