April 20, 2011 12:12:37 PM

1. Rule 1--No player can be eliminated from the game.

2. Players by whatever method they choose can change any rule they wish except Rule 1. Otherwise existing rules are in effect.

3. Players at the beginning of game are categorized by lot: i.e. one player is chosen as a gold player--they receive Broadway and Park Place immediately, they also receive $500 for passing Go. Two players are chosen as silver players. Each receives two railroads at the beginning of the game and $300 for passing Go. All other players are bronze players and receive nothing at beginning of game and only $200 for passing Go.

4. The Object of the game is to make it interesting for all by rules changes given these constraints.

5. I call this revised game "Monopolity" .


All elements not changed by the above rules changes.

N.B. I have used this version in three different classes of students taught over a period of three years with very interesting results.



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