April 19, 2011 12:09:55 PM

The premise of purchasing land is too out of date and should be updated. Over the last 50 years, the real monopoly process has been with business (internet, movies, music, toys, sales, telephony, cable, etc.) so the game should be moderized to reflect that. As the players move around the board, they still purchase available areas...but this version has businesses. Which each business, a person draws a "Corporate Secret" card that indicates whether the business has a strong/weak leader, the level of consumer popularity, and the overall monetary worth. Once the business is owned, a colored token is placed on it to indicate ownership. As the game progresses, owners merge businesses with other player's business to form a partnership...thus increasing dollar values, popularity and percentage of partnership. At the time of the mergerer, negotiations are made over cash, popularity and/or percentage of ownership. Cards are drawn throughout the game that impact the values and ownerships. Landing on a property owned by someone else still requires a payment...based on the number of businesses within the monopoly group. If a player is out of the game due to no cash, the person can still be part of the negoitaions and dealings for properies owned. The ulitmate goal is to build the biggest monopoly within a given time, someone gains 200 popularity points or until one person owns more than half the businesses. At that time, the highest valued player wins.


To be called Monopoloy, it is required that there is a board with players moving around buying and paying. And there needs to be fun moving pieces but these should be updated to things representing today's toys like a cell phone, a laptop, a Porche or Hummer, a video camera, a bling-ring. You also need CHANCE and RISK and the image of Mr. Moneybanks on the board. Jail should be used but updated to Minimum Security Prison.



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