April 17, 2011 10:59:57 PM

I love monopoly just the way it is in it's current form and I would not muck with a game that has , in my case, contributed to loss of two friendships. Consider just how a game like Monopoly can bring power and money , even if it's only a game , can corrupt and drive people apart. ( in it's current form) What I wouldd like see is game modules - add ons- that allow you to add changes through building change ( like what happens in life ) aka modern day culture , business , politics etc also it would be nice to be able to redesign the board with overlays and different cards decks.


I don't want to see any part of monoply changed

nothing should be eliminated - changes should come through' progress ' (subjective) and change should come through level building
by adding overlays for the board ( like layers of culture buz stc) and new groups of pieces and card upgrades. Perhaps pieces and chnge also come to the board to the board by subscription !
Steve Gallery13: I'm doing an exhibition on monopoly.


Stephen gallery13

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