April 17, 2011 12:46:05 PM

In 2005 I redesigned and restructured an actual monopoly board for myself as a collage (it is one of three such actual boards I've done over the past 20 years.) Incorporting acrylic paint & gels to build up the surface, I turned it into a "greenway", which I labelled "Condo-opoly". I also repainted all the "properties" in pastel tones resembling abstract expressionist paintings, often overpainting the titles to contract the letters into various playful words that already existed within them. (see "ARK")


I kept all the hotels & houses and reassembled them into a community around a lake I painted on a hilly golf course-like setting. Each house & hotel got a new paint job as well. I also ran one of the railroad tracks across the entire greenway to facilitate mass transportation. Clearly,this is an aesthetic as well as an environmental improvement over the original board. (I hope the image of the "Condo-opoly" board downloaded, if it did not please let me know, and I'll resend it...Thanks, EJW)



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