April 15, 2011 12:47:09 AM

As a Economics nerd I probably would change many of the rules to both mirror our current system and add a fantastical flair. I would add more taxes, like a value added tax; I would add a moving interest rate that either goes up as the game goes on or that would be decided some other creative way; I would permit players to buy as many house and hotels as their little heart desires (it is monopoly anyway); I would add in inflationary and deflationary periods probably to be decided by community chest or chance cards (key word probably); I would divide the board into communities and let players with property in the area join a community organization, with players only being permitted to join one. Aesthetically I would probably change the puke green of the board, maybe a yellow. I've thought extensively about this and I have millions of other ideas that I won't bore you with.


The pieces are timeless. Overall they should stay the same, maybe adding in a little laptop or a to-go coffee cup. Also Boardwalk and Park Place are cultural institutions that should remain the highest priced items on the board.



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