March 06, 2011 11:52:15 AM

Pittsburgh, PA


Declining Arts funding threatens all of Pittsburgh's small art's programs and facilities. Rather than wait for the economy or attitudes towards the arts to improve, I decided to put my "money" (time, equipment, connections and knowledge) where my mouth is. I wanted to be part of the solution.
I have developed a grassroots micro-business that provides sound, lighting, instruments, rigging, technical labor and other support services to the Pittsburgh arts community for prices that the market will bear. This is a FOR profit model serving NFP arts organizations.


Here's a sample weekend: Grand piano rental to the Andy Warhol museum, PA and two way radios to the Kelly Strayhorn Theatre, Projection equipment to City Theatre Company, Rigging assistance to Prime Stage Theater, Truck rental to Attack Theatre, 20 Wireless mic rental to Carnegie Mellon, Projector donation to WQED Pittsburgh, Built solar powered sound system for Childrens Museum of Pittsburgh. I employ hungry, talented young people and pay good wages. Win Win.
I think this is a model that could be replicated elsewhere.


Dave Bjornson




I try to use the NPR "ability to pay" paradigm as a business model. Almost no one takes advantage of the system. I'd be glad to provide more information if you feel other arts communities could benefit.
Heck, since we have an in house recording studio, we could produce our own little 360 spot! :)
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
From the technical trenches of the arts,
Dave Bjornson. 412-759-6188

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