February 18, 2011 12:22:23 PM

Jen Wootten


Each year at Christmas, my dad announces the annual "Project" to my siblings and I. We have until the Saturday before St. Patrick's Day to complete The Project (yes, we do capitalize The Project in my family), then we present it at my sister's annual St. Patrick's Day party. Although the winners get dinner out with Mom and Dad, everyone knows the real prize is bragging rights. The project began back in the early 1990s, with each of us receiving identical bird houses to decorate. Past materials have included: a tambourine, a jar of marbles, a set of little wooden knobs, and toy blocks. We've had writing assignments about our grade school and high school days. One year we received a can of Spam. Projects are presented at the party, and everyone in attendance gets to vote.

What started out as a silly little assignment from Dad has turned into a much-loved family tradition. Each year I brainstorm for weeks, and my husband threatens to not participate, but he always comes around. Now our kids help. One year my twin sister announced that she was expecting a baby as part of her project. My brother Den, who recently retired from the Marine Corps, has sent entries from around the country and world. Video entries are often the crowd favorites (see my Iron Chef spam entry here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VltYXmxkW24).

What does any of this have to do with "Spark"? I marvel each year at how my Dad gets all 7 of his kids to devote their time and energy into this creative process. The variety of the projects astounds me. I have no reason to make a piece of furniture, a video or a clock in my every day life, but Dad has inspired to do each of these projects.

This year we have been presented with the oddest assignment yet: a bag of tiny used hearing aid batteries and some wine corks. Which brings me to the second reason I'm writing - I'm looking for suggestions!


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