February 10, 2011 03:04:32 PM

Sheila Michaels


New York




I was in the Civil Rights Movement from 1961-64, in the Deep South & in the North, with both SNCC & CORE.

I was in Laos in 1975, working with the Terre des Hommes teenage Vietnamese paraplegic orphans who were airlifted into
Laos by their caregivers, but who the organization ordered returned to Vietnam. I was recruited in an ice cream shop & stayed with the kids a couple of months while the arrangements were made. Only one of the children is still alive. By the time the children were evacuated,the Pathet Lao had completely replaced the Royal Lao government. . After the children left, I traveled to Luang Prabang, when travel was permitted.


I am so pleased to see the world being shown that nonviolent direct action can overthrow a violent force. I can only hope it will continue.