February 07, 2011 04:45:40 PM

Leslie Hirst


I am a visual artist. I began creating these paintings as the result of my habit of collecting four-leaved clovers during my daily long distance runs, which then became a record of my movement through the environment. After collecting, pressing and drying hundreds upon thousands of four-leaved clovers, I map out a design with the clovers and embed them within layers of epoxy resin and painted imagery. This composition contains 1024 four-leaved clovers, arranged by size and shape, which are specific to a particular location. I have made four similar works, each with 1024 four-leaved clovers, and each specific to a different location. In addition, I have created numerous smaller works to accommodate my endless supply of clovers.


Comments [2]

annie from albuquerque

strikingly beautiful.

Mar. 09 2011 01:50 AM

Lovely! Reminds of a sunflower closeup. Never thought to do that with 4-leaf clovers. Happy running!

Feb. 12 2011 03:18 PM

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