December 22, 2010 03:42:00 PM


Try standing in someone else's shoes.

Don't cry me those old blues -
try standing in soneone else's shoes.

We win, but then we lose.
Bop some of those GOP clues.

Make it from -11 to -14,
long as there's some working team.

Some day we'll all be free
from false reasoning by who disagrees.

Help us create a positive future -
stop letting false ways be nurtured.

Hope came up, then went down.
Do more than mope and frown.
Drown out those non-science minded clowns.

We've boiled in oil; now toil
that [healthy/cleaning] Earth not be foiled.

Presumptuous ways mustnow be ended,
that society and sanity be defended.
[/sanity of society]

Corruption many ways has reigned supreme;
make the change - have some spleen!

Fire in the belly's needed now -
lots on the plate - time to chow!
[/have some]

Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Ain't that sweet?
'Nuf said 2 move 2 feet?

Hit-and-runs make me sick -
what in hell makes some tick?

Stuff it down fast as can.
Make voted for stick to wall.
Health and wealth for every man.
Get something done, once and all!

Pray to be good for sure,
so we won't the bad endure.
[don't to the bad be inured.]

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