December 22, 2010 01:53:33 PM



Governor Guarantees More of Rut






NJ's Governor is on a mission to wipe out the working class and to gain as much notoriety as a republican with brass balls ( not). He wants to destroy labor unions and public employee benefits and pension plans. Though the state (starting with Republican Gov. Whitman) has pilfered the public employees pension funds in order to pay for services after they "cut taxes" ..they now want to blame the public employess for their thievery...He tells us he wants us to share in the sacrifice. Share what, exactly? For the stealing that people like Christie approved and committed? Which of the former legislators are sharing in the sacrifice for the crimes they committed? none. They are still in office or are collecting their own life long benfits. Shouldnt we raid their pensions and take back what they took from the public employee pensions?No, the public employees are easy targets since the state and local gvt is our employer.
We are asked to sacrifice salaries..take pay freezes and pay more of our salaries into a robbed pension fund. Public Employees have paid into that fund with each pay check for decades. It was not a mutual fund.It was a savings account that would have been solvent if they had not stolen money out of it. We didnt gamble our funds away.For me, it has been 30 years of payments every month. My employer paid in also for 30 years.. The legislators not only only didnt pay the state's share, as promised,they robbed the pension blind.
So now, the workers, who were underpaid all along in order to maintain benefits, are being told to sacrifice again..the workers...NOT the politicians.
They play a smooth game...But the people are the ones who get duped and made to pay. This Governor is a scam artist with high aspirations..None of those aspirations have to do with helping th people of New Jersey..and everyhting to do with making a name for himself with the Reublican party. He is the new poster boy for the party.


Trenton NJ