May 27, 2014 02:01:54 PM

1 month or more


Yes, I'm getting more sleep


My sleep patterns are tied very closely with family activities. My family life takes up a lot of my time. I found that I would stay up late to try and carve out some "Me" time. because of the Sleep Challenge I was able cut back on how late I would stay up.


Being on the Vice Squad, I have to say that I was already exercising 3-5 times a week. I normally drink a double espresso three times a day. I cut that back to two and had a milder tea in the afternoon and moved the last caffeine infusion closer to 3:00 pm instead of my normal 4:00pm espresso. I abstained from alcohol during the week and only drank one or two beers over the weekend had them in the late afternoon. I have to say that Jon Stewart was harder to give up than coffee or beer but I can Tivo Jon Stewart not the beer and coffee.

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going.