May 22, 2014 11:39:56 AM

2-3 weeks


Yes, in another way


I'm not getting more sleep but I noticed that I'm sleeping earlier and I'm more mindful of sleeping in general. I generally keep to a schedule and I've already cut out caffeine after 3pm but I had a terrible wine habit that this has enabled me to quit. I realized I was using wine to pass out! Now I'm working on natural ways to fall asleep...


I generally keep to a schedule and I've already cut out caffeine after 3pm but I had a terrible wine habit that this has enabled me to quit. I realized I was using wine to pass out! Now I'm working on natural ways to fall asleep...


I generally keep to a schedule. I realized I was using wine to pass out! Now I'm working on natural ways to fall asleep...

Tell us how the Clock Your Sleep project is going.