January 29, 2014 09:27:32 AM

Joseph Choi


The radio broadcast from the Brian Lehrer Show asks listeners the question “is war inevitable”. Most of the people who had called to respond had answered yes. I believe war is inevitable because there will always be people who do not agree with each other. In the beginning they may try to sort out their differences and work out a solution, and this would only happen if the opposing person was not strong willed, but continuing a relationship where beliefs or ideas are not compatible, whether it is for business or political reasons, will in the end result in resentment or hatred. It does not matter how large or small the group of people who oppose the idea are, as long as there is a passionate resentment towards the idea, there will be opposition. The more forceful the idea the more the opposition will be against it. In extreme cases innocent people will be harmed or killed in order to present to the public that they do not agree or they want the public to agree with them. In a society where people want to remain equal in the eye of the public but be left alone to their own ideals and belief it would be impossible for everyone to comingle and become truly equal in thought and belief.

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